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At last! Summer is just a couple of weeks away, and people are anxious to finish the school year. This year might have gone by in a flash, but 2019 definitely did not lack memorable moments. Since everybody has unique experiences and perspectives on the school year, I wanted to ask some fellow students from various grades to share their experiences from this school year. Curious to see how some of your fellow classmates’ years went? Want to reminisce on some good times? Read on below!

Note: People who replied similarly were grouped together, so some names may be excluded.

The Highs

Many students cherished their experiences from the Disney trip.

Alexis Buchanan, Christian Shepherd, and 5 others: Sports seasons and athletics

Greta Donnelly: Participating in all the shows and having teachers and friends that make classes more entertaining

Lina Petronino: Going to the Philippines and China

Maimoonah Shafqat: The young Democrats Coffee House

Zara Khan: Doing better than she expected on the AP chemistry test

Veronica Tullo: Holding the first ever film festival of the year, she describes how everyone “came together and the turnout was great.” She also hopes to “seek more potential submissions for next year.”

Halle Korman: Getting into her number-one school

Olivia Kern, Brian Ramirez, and 3 others: Branching out and meeting new people through off periods or certain classes, as well as becoming more confident and involved

Orli Sweifach: Going to prom with Evan Perrault and becoming closer with people in general

Liam McCartney: Getting to know his teachers and becoming more connected to them, especially Mr. Sanchez, who is a “genuine guy”

Janaki Mehta: International Night. Although it was a lot of hard work, it was a rewarding result and the outcome was very successful. Her favorite part was the performances by the Jazz Band, ML Transit Authority, and Tommy Went to College

Janaki Mehta (left) and Anita Shanker (right) particularly enjoyed International Night.

Anonymous: Fighting her way into an Honors math course, and beginning wonderful relationship with a guy. After “years of struggling in math… she [finally] got a sort of recognition for the pain it took, and this opened a whole new set of doors for her mathematical understanding”

Brooke Christ: Mr. Reid’s history class and drafting and design, as well as the basketball games

Brian Ramirez: Mrs. Urriola improving his reading

Adam Lees: Drafting and design and Disney because he got to “know his teachers in a non-school-environment way”

Catherine Pickett: The spring musical because she enjoyed working with the cast and crew

Ana Zambrano: More privileges; more freedom with phones, long lunches every day, and free periods

Laila Dages: The Zoey Fashion Show

Patipat Luangwirun: Getting to know the new faculty and teachers who brought their success and knowledge to further enhance and diversify the school. Although he is sad to see some of his favorite teachers go, he is happy with the change and addition of new teachers

Nikki Zannelli: Softball season

The Lows

Overworked students can all agree on two things: the grind never stops, and sleep is a gift.
Some students have felt a distance between themselves and their friends, and the graduating seniors cannot bear leaving their favorite teachers and friends behind.

Catherine Pickett: The school work becoming more difficult

Elizabeth Hirschfeld: Studying for AP’s

Cali McAleer: The college application process

Emily Hsiang: First marking period, because she had to maintain good grades for college

Lina Petronino: Not having any friends in her classes

Zara Khan: Managing standardized testing with her school work

Veronica Tullo: When the play ended and knowing that it was her last play with some of her friends, some of whom were seniors

Halle Korman, Libby Perler, and 3 others: Leaving Mr. Sica and Mr. Terzis. They will also miss having their last classes, and missing all their friends, and leaving their beloved teachers

Rachel Curran, Luke Leshnower, Brooke Christ: PARCC testing, grades, tests and finals

Anonymous: finding out how difficult math is, as a result of [her] maniacal (but ineffective) study methods earlier this year. Now, with actual shut-eye at night and proper dietary organization, [she is] able to slowly reclaim [her] sorely injured pride”

Ted Donohue: Not being able to start his fishing season until April because of the continuous bad weather in March

Looking Forward to Next Year

In the cafeteria, seniors show their excitement for the coming college years.

Audrey Weinstein: “Starting fresh… alone…without orange and blue plaguing her life like a virus”

Lily Whang: Meeting new people, trying new clubs (key club, chess club)

Greta Donnelly: Participating in the MLHS productions (but hoping that the cafeteria doesn’t run out of bagels)

Nicola Thomson-Hill and 3 others: Getting their licenses

Veronica Tullo: Being a senior, since she took all her challenging classes this year and she hopes that senior year will be “a whole bunch of fun”

Christian Shephard: Taking Physics because he feels that he can apply it to his daily life, and he has always been interested

Maddie O’Rourke: When she, along with other freshmen, gets to go back to the eighth graders at RVS to talk about how her freshman year went

Donovan Menard: College, since he gets to further his education, and explore new areas of his passion, meet new people, be in a new environment and develop friendships with people that have the same passions as him

Anonymous: Excited for the fresh start, reset mind, and new acquaintances that come along with each new year, and she hopes that “AP Chem shall be INVIGORATING”

Ted Donohue: Being in a different environment, channeling his interests and pursuing business. Although he will leave his old friends, he is excited to start fresh and meet more friends as well

Achievements and Firsts

Lina Petronino: Standardized testing and Chamber Choir

Emily Hsiang: Experiencing the college competition

Greta Donnelly: Handbell choir, which “did slap.” She got to meet new friends, learn more about music theory, rhythms, and become more well-versed with classical music

The handbell choir performing at the Spring Concert.

Veronica Tullo: Organizing and participating in many film related events such as the Laker and the MLHS Hispanic Film festival. In addition, Veronica started her own fundraising event, Rock for Heart foundation. The HEART foundation helps educate at-risk teens and was a foundation that Veronica began when she was fourteen to help raise awareness for mental illness and health

Jaelyn Gawley, Evan Perrault, and 2 others: Open campus, which is always fun because they get to go out for lunch or visit home for a bit

Adam Lees: Doing ski-racing and trying out javelin in track

Cali McAleer: being a part of the Volleyball team, as it was the first volleyball team created; she got to be captain and she enjoyed playing with “cool people”

Memorable Experiences

Lily Khan: Singing the national anthem for the herd football game

Zara Khan: Pit Orchestra, which she thought was a great experience, as well as joining band her first year. She was hesitant to join band, but after asking people and hearing their positive experiences, she was eager to join.

Cali McAleer: First thing senior year, she pulled up to the parking lot blasting the Bee Gees in her best friend’s Jeep. Another accomplishment was being captain of the first MLHS volleyball team. She wishes she were wearing her light-up Christmas sweater this year

Veronica Tullo: Auditioning for Into the Woods. Although she couldn’t participate in the musical due to scheduling issues, she still had a blast working with everyone and working through scenes. She enjoyed the hospitality and assistance from the cast and crew

Mr. Bernotas conducts the Pit Orchestra for Into the Woods. He will be sorely missed.

Halle Korman: Participating in more of the clubs that she signed up for

Donovan, Liam McCartney, and Justin Covart: Wish that smaller events were advertised more. It would be great to advertise outside of school, around town, at bigger events, or to the elders. Donovan thinks that they should also bring back the “Decades Dance”

Janaki Mehta: Starting and participating in many clubs, and beginning the potential UNICEF club

Patipat Luangwirun: Taking Honors Holocaust, a class that he recommends to all. Although it is a hard topic to learn and discuss, he mentioned how the topic is “approached with a professional manner and the mature teaching style, and the commanding presence Mr. Hoffman upholds made a strong impression and respect for this deep topic.” It is a class that makes you think and discuss with your classmates

Goals for Next Year

Elizabeth Hirschfeld: Going to bed earlier

Brooke Christ and 4 others: Working hard for their junior year, starting the prospect for colleges, thinking about what they want to do, as well as meeting new people

Katie Kostak: Doing well in standardized testing

Sonia Chen: Not procrastinating as much

Anonymous: Maintaining a better sleep schedule, which includes not studying all night

Nikki Zannelli and Lauren Lacey: Not procrastinating and doing well next year in college

Daniel O’Connell: Improving grades and his GPA

Adam Lees: Keeping his grades up and doing well in athletics

Ted Donohue: Getting involved, perhaps by participating in basketball, fishing, or continuing the “Big Brothers Big Sisters” mentoring program; experiencing college not just for the academic experience

Whether this year was a tumultuous rollercoaster of emotions, or a year that you are looking forward to ending, 2019 was full of fresh beginnings and memorable experiences. As the year comes to a quick close, we should cherish our memories and experiences and look forward to creating new ones next school year.

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