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Now that 2020 is over, everyone is looking forward to what’s to come. Despite the craziness, there are still many exciting events in the near future for everyone. Take a look down below for the good that has happened and for what’s yet to come!

To all of MLHS,

The TCU’s have been replaced with a completely new wing, which is something all MLHS students can look forward to. If your teacher has been moving around from classroom to classroom each period it is likely they will be put in a classroom permanently in the regular building or be located in the new wing. This means you will probably have a good chance of having at least one class in there. I am putting the new wing into this list of things to look forward to because if you haven’t made a trip there you should. It is sick and everything is super nice; if you have seen it you are probably amazed by the fact that some rooms have whiteboard walls. Seriously, it’s crazy, but what I find even cooler are the bathrooms. That might sound weird, but the bathrooms have automatic hand blow dryers, which makes me feel like I’m at a restaurant. Anyways, anybody in the building that chooses to come in for hybrid learning absolutely needs to check it out if you haven’t yet.

To the student-athletes of MLHS,

The biggest thing we should look forward to are any fall sports, like volleyball, pushed back and spring sports. It is fair to assume that a majority of the people in town have a favorite sport that takes place in the spring. I think that most people participate in a spring sport, whether it is lacrosse, baseball, softball, or track. All athletes train in the winter for their spring sport to ultimately perform the best they can. If you are doing a lot of training that should give you even more of an excuse to look forward to playing spring sports. Ultimately, all an athlete wants is to win and do their best. They just want to work hard with their team to get to whatever goal the team is collectively reaching for. Every athlete wants to come out of the season saying “this has been the strongest and most successful our team has ever been.” 

Volleyball hasn’t been here for a while but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of people coming out to play and that people love it any less. It is unfortunate that, like many fall and winter sports, it was pushed back and could interfere with people who want to play both spring and winter sports. For those who wouldn’t have to worry about it interfering with spring sports and really anyone playing volleyball, it is your chance to play the season you wish you had earlier in the year.

To the seniors of MLHS,


Graduation isn’t just a day: it’s a season. While there’s uncertainty whether the senior events will happen or not, one thing is for sure… there will probably be an outdoor graduation ceremony! Will this be how it is in normal years? Sadly, probably not, but based on how last year’s graduation was done when we were at the peak of COVID-19, I can only imagine the improvements they could make to this year’s graduation. Since this year won’t be the first time trying to hold an outdoor graduation, there is room for improvement for any new ideas that other schools did that MLHS would want to include. Moral of the story, I am not even a senior and am excited for all of those who can experience outdoor graduation. 


I am putting this under senior festivities because it is their last one. It has been rescheduled to April 28th as of now and it may be held outside but we are unsure. We all love homecoming for the football game, homecoming court (being able to vote for it and hear the results), and the dance. Sadly, some of the full things that make homecoming might not happen, but the seniors should be excited to have their last hoco. Also, since it has been pushed back it is something that they should be looking forward to since it’s a last event of their high school experience. 

A look back on some senior events:

The Class of 2021 take a group photo at the sunrise breakfast.
Seniors participating in a hula-hoop contest
An overhead shot of the Class of 2021 on the turf

Last but not least…to all of the people participating in the arts: the spring musical!

Now whether you are a person involved in the arts or not, you can’t tell me the productions the school puts on aren’t fantastic. Whether you know the story before you watch the play or not, the singing, acting, and sets are all great. The crew members spend months preparing for this and the parents, families, and students in town are thrilled to see it. With COVID, the play may be outdoors again but that doesn’t matter because as the cast proved in the fall, performing outside didn’t affect the quality of the show. No matter where it is or how it’s performed, it is another huge thing we can look forward to come spring.

The cast of “Romeo and Juliet” take a quick full group photo
The cast shares a special tradition of passing affirmations with a web on yarn.
Some cast members posing with their costumes after their performance

So there you have it, MLHS! There’s lots to look forward to and plenty to be proud of so far this year. Let’s keep our heads up as we look onward to the second half of the 2020-2021 school year.

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