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Thanksgiving has come and gone, and each of us have our own little traditions that we look forward to each year. Keep reading to see what your favorite teacher did this past Thursday along with their opinions on when Christmas decorating should commence!

Mr. Wallace – Science 

Mr. Wallace’s most anticipated tradition is cooking his world-famous turkey. His family celebrates a very traditional Thanksgiving filled with cooking and football, and he is looking forward to watching the football games. Since his wife is a big fan of the famous Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, it goes on in the background early in the mornings. Mr. Wallace is a huge turkey fan, and condemns the people that overcook and dry out his favorite Thanksgiving dish. In the Wallace household, Christmas trees go up on the first Sunday of Advent, which was on the 27th of November this year. 

Mr. Merritt – Science

In the Merritt household, food is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Mr. Merritt looks forward to eating copious amounts of turkey, stuffing, and gravy while –hopefully–  watching the Giants beat the Cowboys for second place in NFC East. He had a very hard time answering the question of his favorite dish, but in the end he settled on a nice plate of stuffing topped with his grandmother’s delicious gravy recipe. Mr. Merritt is not one to jump the gun on Christmas decorations, and he believes strongly that people should celebrate each holiday to its resolution, and not overshadow them with thoughts of Christmas. Typically, you can find a Christmas tree in the Merritt household about two weeks before Christmas. 

Mr. Mangili – Principal

Dinner is always served at 4:30 in Mr. Mangili’s house, potluck-style, where you can find some of his extended family in attendance. Watching the football games is a staple tradition, but this year Mr. Mangili was particularly excited to watch the Giants-Cowboys game, even though it might have intersected with Thanksgiving dinner. This year, he couldn’t wait to eat his favorite apple pie with sprinkled cinnamon. Even though his family are major Thanksgiving-celebrators, they are even bigger Christmas enthusiasts, so you can count on a Christmas tree making its debut the very next day after Thanksgiving. 

Coach Fusco – Football Coach & Admin 

When Coach Fusco was young, he would always end up having a football game on the day of Thanksgiving, thwarting any plans of an early dinner. However, his parents always made sure their family got together for the holiday by holding an early Thanksgiving breakfast for his extended family and close neighbors, and the tradition has continued for twenty-five years. Coach Fusco looks forward to a unique dish of creamed onions, which he claims his mother-in-law has mastered just for him. He was a little disappointed by the preemptive decorating of Boulevard, because he believes in completing the celebration of Thanksgiving before anything Christmas-related, but decorating in the Fusco household tends to begin right after Thanksgiving. 

Ms. Fucarino aka Coach Sam – Lake Drive Math & Girls Soccer

Coach Sam’s close family gets together every Thanksgiving to witness her brother’s masterful turkey-frying skills. Although his turkey is certainly something to rave about, Coach Sam’s favorite dish is certainly mashed potatoes. She believes that you must celebrate thanksgiving to its completion, but the moment it passes, it’s Christmas time in the Fucarino house, and you can expect to see some beautiful decorations. 

Mr. White – Drafting & Design

You won’t find Mr. White in New Jersey on Thanksgiving, because every year he and his family travel to Virginia Beach to meet with the extended family. A typical get-together includes some unique games such as “Guess the Number of M&Ms in this Jar.” The best dish in the White family is the turnip and brussel sprout combo, which might be a hard sell for most, but Mr. White swears by its tastiness. Beware– if Mr. White finds out you put up a Christmas tree before Thanksgiving, he will not be pleased with you. Christmas decorations typically start about a week after Thanksgiving in the White household. 

Mr. Terzis – English

Every year in the Terzis household, you can smell something burning– usually his father’s yearly attempts at concocting a new dessert. His traditions have changed with time, as he has gone from a family football all-star to just a family-football observer. He reflects on the cyclical nature of Thanksgiving: traditions get handed down through a family and repeated in the next generation. Mr. Terzis’ favorite dish is a very sweet and dessert-like carrot souffle that he claims tastes exactly like a buttered cinnamon carrot cake. He claims that carrots introduce a balanced diet even on a holiday like Thanksgiving, but he secretly knows there is little nutritional value in something that tastes so delicious. The day after Thanksgiving is tree time in the Terzis household, and you can expect the whole family hard at work to make the tree as beautiful as possible. But, if Mr. Terzis had his way, the tree would remain in the ground until the 10th of December. 

Mr. Butler – English

For Thanksgiving, Mr. Butler likes to keep things small with only his immediate family in attendance. As a vegan, finding something to eat among the Thanksgiving spread is incredibly challenging for him, so he typically likes to stick to the sweet potatoes. Mr. Butler is very strict on when Christmas decorating should start. He was shocked to discover that some of the people he knows put up a Christmas tree directly after Halloween, replacing the important aspects of giving thanks and gratefulness that Thanksgiving is supposed to represent with inherently greedy thoughts of gift-giving and receiving. He thinks two weeks after thanksgiving is sufficient time of gratitude, and after that he has no qualms about celebrating in style. 

Señor Concepcion – Spanish

Every year, Señor gets together with his entire extended family –parents, uncles, grandparents, aunts, cousins, etc– which usually includes fifty to sixty people all in one place! He loves to mix traditional Thanksgiving dishes with his Puerto Rican heritage, which creates some incredibly-flavored hybrid meals. His family all pitch in to make some delicious turkey, pernil, lechon, and arroz con gandules, and his favorite holiday drink is coquito, which is Puerto Rican-style eggnog! The celebration doesn’t end on Thursday night, however, because tree decorating in the Concepcion household is required the very next day! The tree stays up until Dia del Reyes, Three Kings Day, which happens every year on January 6th. 

Mr. Schutz – History

On Thursday, you bet you can find Mr. Schutz with his family enjoying a nice plate of traditional Thanksgiving food. But, he spends his Fridays outside hiking, since he claims he is “too old for football these days.” Mr. Schutz can’t decide on his favorite dish, so he elects to have one big bite consisting of turkey, gravy, and stuffing all together. Typically, Christmas trees go up on the weekend after Thanksgiving in the Schutz house, but Mr. Schutz does not have a strong belief on when a Christmas tree should be put up. 

Mr Ziccardi – History

When asked if he celebrates Thanksgiving, he responded “I don’t wanna, but I do. Sadly,” and then proceeded to express his indifference about the holiday due to his lack of thankfulness. He typically spends Thanksgivings with his immediate family on the Ziccardi Family Homestead, the existence of which still has not yet been confirmed. His favorite dish is a nicely-cooked and seasoned squirrel. You can never expect the existence of a Christmas tree in the Ziccardi household, because the Ziccardi family members are staunch festivus celebrators and reject all other winter holidays. Instead of a typical decorated tree, festivus is a more minimalistic holiday and calls for only a metal pole. However, if one is to put up a Christmas tree, it must be done after Thanksgiving in Ziccardi’s eyes. He is very frustrated with the early Christmas decorations on Boulevard road and claims they should be taken down. 

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