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Caffeine is the most extensively used legal psychoactive drug in the world. It is a naturally occurring chemical stimulant found in foods like chocolate and caffeinated drinks such as energy beverages, sodas, teas, and coffees. It is typically consumed orally to increase mental clarity and reduce fatigue. Additionally, it is a component of over-the-counter and prescription drowsiness medications, and it is combined with analgesics to treat migraines. Despite its sizable use all over the world, it is subject to much controversy, mainly because of contradicting information concerning its health effects. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of caffeine consumption.

Effects of Caffeine on Habitual Coffee Drinkers vs. Non-Coffee Drinkers: an MRI Study

As a part of a Portuguese Research Study, fifty-six participants were recruited through social media, press releases, and emails. These participants were, then, split into two groups, thirty-two habitual coffee drinkers (CD), and twenty-four non-coffee drinkers (NCD). However, one of the CD’s results had to be excluded due to unclear imaging. To continue, CD had a minimum of one coffee cup per day while NCD had less than one cup per week. 

To assess the differences in this brain study, participants were asked to abstain from coffee for at least three hours before being tested. The participants then met with a certified psychologist and had MRI brain scans done. Immediately following the MRI, NCD ingested about fifty cc of caffeine. 

Furthermore, the CD group showed decreased functional connectivity in the somatosensory (the part of the brain that receives sensory information) and the limbic networks (the part of the brain that controls memories and emotion) during the resting state, but they also showed a longer lifetime of function networks involving the subcortical regions of the brain that process behaviors, emotion, and motor control. The CD also displayed higher levels of stress than NCD did, especially among males. When CD consumes caffeine, it does not have the same effect on their brain as it does on NCD. In fact, caffeine does very little to increase mental alertness and physicality in those who drink coffee habitually. When it comes to NCD, the effects of caffeine display their usual side effects because their body is not accustomed to it.

Pros and Cons:

Coffee may seem like a great way to combat fatigue and boost energy, but it can also have negative effects. Shortly after consumption, coffee can cause a crash, and come with unwanted side effects such as an upset stomach, dizziness, dehydration, and even in the long run, insomnia.

Prolonged caffeine consumption can lead to an array of negative health effects. To start, caffeine overuse on a daily basis may have a diuretic effect. It may cause the kidneys to produce more urine, which could lead to frequent urination. If fluids are not appropriately restored, the consumer will become severely dehydrated. In addition, many people could have a tendency of drinking coffee at night to help with their work, which lowers the quality of their sleep. Caffeine is a stimulant that lowers the quality of sleep by making it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep through the duration of the night. Another detriment includes caffeine “addiction” or a dependence on caffeine in order to receive energy. This reliance can be difficult to break free from, and can lead to many withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, muscle pains, sweating, anxiety, and fatigue. Though not fatal, these can cause significant discomfort.

On the contrary, caffeine does have widespread net positives. Caffeine’s energizing effects are by far its most well-known side effects. This happens as a result of caffeine’s role as a stimulant, which elevates mood, increases alertness, and decreases self-reported tiredness in users. Your metabolism may be accelerated by the same stimulant action that might help you become more alert. The caffeine content of one cup of coffee has been associated with a 3-4% rise in metabolic rate. This implies that ingesting caffeine can somewhat raise your daily calorie expenditure. Some people believe caffeine may raise the risk of cardiac problems, since coffee is linked to an elevated heart rate. However, if you consume

caffeine in moderation, you may actually lower your risk of developing heart disease. According to Neha Pathek, MD, of WebMD, numerous levels of caffeine consumption were compared in one study. Researchers came to the conclusion that women who drank moderate levels of caffeine were considerably less likely to develop heart disease than those who drank less. 

The truth is, you’re not alone if you find yourself reaching for a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. Roughly 90% of Americans drink caffeine on a daily basis. It is the most widely used medicine in America, with 300 milligrams consumed daily by more than half of the adult population. This mental stimulant, though used by billions, is a contentious topic because of its health risks and aids. By blocking adenosine, a chemical that promotes sleepiness, caffeine is able to quickly increase mental stimulation and alertness. Though it has many favourable effects, extended consumption can lead to some bleak consequences. 

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